“Spotlight” wins Oscar detailing Catholic church child sex crimes

Spotlight won the Oscar for Best Picture, because it is powerful enough to literally change the religion of tens of millions of people.

Spotlight shows that the Catholic church is a crime syndicate of evil, committing organized child rape, then concealing it, then using their power to protect known pedophiles, until they got caught.  They did the opposite of What Jesus Would Do (which is obvious, but also stated in Matt 18:6-14, where Jesus said harming a child was unforgivable).

This movie will have a more dramatic impact on people’s lives than any movie ever made, and Hollywood knows understand that.  They rewarded themselves for changing the world in a way only Hollywood movies could, and they deserve the reward.

Thanks, Spotlight, for clearly showing us the truth about “God’s church”, defiant in evil.

And someday, Phil Saviano, the vocal victim portrayed in the movie, Mitchell Garabedian, the attorney, and others in SNAP will receive awards for courage, for having strength and determination to fight evil despite insurmountable odds.

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