Category Archives: pedophilia

Catholic Cardinal Dolan is what smiling satan looks like

Cardinal Dolan is what smiling satan looks like.

Some people think satan is only the evil guy that kills people, but the more cowardly, creepy, smarter satan makes you feel better about being evil.

Dolan, the biggest cardinal in the US, not only protected his pedophile priest pals, like Father Becker (who raped at least 10 children), he paid them $20K bonuses when they left.  When initially asked about it, Dolan blatantly lied, calling the charges “false, preposterous and unjust.”

Of course, he was lying, and documents later proved that Cardinal Dolan lied to the New York Times about paying bonuses to his pedo pals.

He lives in a $30 Million mansion, just like the devil would, being filthy rich, and making you feel like it’s ok if you are filthy rich, even though 21,000 people die of starvation every day.

But Dolan is more sinister in being smartly satanic.  He makes jokes about how fat he is every time he is on TV, making you feel comfortable that overeating is fine, and that food couldn’t help the 21,000 that die every day.  Dolan doesn’t mention that Catholics alone could cure world hunger for 10 CENTS per Catholic per day.

If satan is smart, this is exactly what he looks like, because with all that, you like him, you lie for him, and you encourage others to like him, and he has made all of the excuses for you to ignore Jesus.

He is like the Wolf Of Wall Street, but with pedophilia instead of money, and he has money,  too, living fat as can be in the mansion “for Christ”/

Catholic church is Babylon, and “the beast” from the Book Of Revelation

The Book Of Revelation talks of Babylon, a filthy rich institution of filthy sexual practices.  It is on the city of 7 hills, which is Rome, where the Vatican is (Ch 17:9), so Babylon may be the Catholic church itself.

Revelation talks of the filthy riches of the Catholic church, she in purple and gold, favorite colors of Pope Benedict especially, decked with gold and precious stones and pearls (Ch 17:4).My Site

One interpretation is that the 144,000 are Catholic child rape victims, who are blameless (Ch 14:4).

Rev 16:9, where the Catholics “blasphemed” God, and “repented not of their deeds”, as the Catholic church has never repented for their rampant child rapes, or their filthy riches.

Ch 14 talks about the fate of those who worship the beast (which may be the Catholic church itself), instead of God’s church.

And in Rev 18:21, a mighty angel throws the Catholic church & its followers into the sea, using a millstone, which is a specific reference to Matt 18:6, and the child rape that the Catholic church committed, then concealed, then condoned.

Pope Francis, the fraud, calls others hypocritical, when he is

Pope Francis is a such a hypocrite and a fraud.  In late January of 2017, after Trump signed an executive order to keep out refugees, Francis said,

“It’s hypocrisy to call yourself a Christian and chase away a refugee or someone seeking help, someone who is hungry or thirsty, toss out someone who is in need of my help”

Guess how many refugees Francis took in to the $14 Billion, 100 acre Vatican?


How many do you think Jesus would take in?  If the Vatican was sprawling with refugee camps, American “Christians” would have to stop calling themselves “Christians”.

Twelve.  Francis is teaching the world to do the least you can get away with.

Catholics and the pope have truly lowered the bar for Christianity, which is why “Christians” feel empowered to follow other Christians who

  • refuse the starving and dying refugees
  • build walls
  • deny health care
  • make rich people richer
  • lie, lie, lie
  • and even run America’s largest organized child rape crime syndicate, the Catholic church

Catholic church isn’t “pro-life”. It’s pro-“birth”, not life.

The Catholic church and it’s followers aren’t “pro-life”.


  • pro-“birth”
  • pro-judging
  • pro-criticizing

They let 21,000 people die every day from hunger.   This is a number you can always find if you Google:

how many people die of hunger every day

Catholics could literally cure hunger for 10 cents per Catholic per day, but they don’t, because it would cost money.  The cost to cure hunger, which you can find if you Google

how much would it cost to cure hunger

is $30 Billion.  If every Catholic paid 10 cents per day:

  • 10 cents times 365 days is $36.50
  • the 1.2 billion Catholics could raise $43.8 Billion

Instead, Catholics will instantly come up with excuses, like:

  1. the Catholic church is the most charitable institution in the world
  2. not every Catholic has the 10 cents per day
    • Counter argument: then 10% of Catholic should pay $1 per day
  3. why doesn’t someone else do it?
    • Counter argument: ok, but then stop calling your self “God’s one and only church”.  You’re just another charity.

The real reason Catholics don’t pay to cure hunger is that they know their leaders live in filthy, filthy riches, like


with more examples at Catholic Cardinal’s filthy rich homes.

Jesus said, in Matt 19:21, “If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

You can find out how much Catholics care about being close to perfect by asking how much they gave to cure hunger.  It’s almost never more than 10%, so they almost never want to be more than 10% perfect.


So what is the cheap way to pretend you’re “pro-life”.  Tell other people not to have an abortion.   Catholics have figured out that it’s cheaper to criticize people who have abortions than it is to keep live people alive.

Catholic church myth: “The world’s largest charity”. It’s not even close.

Catholics always CLAIM they are the largest charity in the world.  The problem is, they aren’t close.

If you look at independent assessments, like List of wealthiest charitable foundations in wikipedia doesn’t include the Catholic church, you’ll see that the Catholic church doesn’t even rank in the top 38 world charities.  The top 3 wealthiest charitable foundations are:

  1. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,  United States
  2. Stichting INGKA Foundation, Netherlands
  3. Wellcome Trust, United Kingdom    London

According to CNBC, the top 10 charities in the world can be found here, and a Catholic charity does come in third:

  1. Direct Relief
  2. MAP International
  3. Catholic Medical Mission Board
  4. United Nations Foundation

The Catholic church IS the wealthiest institution in the word, spending a tremendous amount of money on it’s buildings, like the $30 million mansion that New York Cardinal Dolan lives in.  Other Catholic cardinals live in similar riches.

If anyone has evidence that the Catholic church IS near the world’s top charities, from a legitimate independent site, please put it in the comments below and I will update this post.

Catholics HATE God, brutally defying the First commandment, unforgivably

What do you think “God’s church” is?

If you think it’s a filthy rich, organized child rape crime syndicate, then the Catholic church is your church.

Of course, Jesus said

  • child rape was unforgivable (Matt 18:6),
  • and that you should find and help every victim (Matt 18:10-14)
  • sell all your possessions if you want to be perfect (Matt 19:21)

so the Catholic church is brutally defying Jesus in all of those ways, and in many others not listed here.

What is the punishment if you are a Catholic and it is not “God’s church”?  Vicious.

In the very 1st commandment, God says in Exodus 20:2-7:

2 “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
3 “You shall have no other gods before me.
4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.
5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me,
6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.
7 “You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.

so from Exodus 20:5, God is vicious if you “hate Him”.

If you think “God’s church” is a filthy rich, organized child rape crime syndicate, you hate God.

Catholic priests excommunicated for supporting female priests

The Catholic church believes that there should never be a female priest, and a priest who publicly disagreed was excommunicated, which means he is kicked out of the church and condemned to hell.  Of course, Jesus never said anything about females not being priests.

Pope Francis excommunicated Fr Greg Reynolds “because of his public teaching on the ordination of women contrary to the teaching of the Church”.

This is the silly nonsense that the Catholic church condemns people to hell for, but they don’t condemn pedophile priests, which Jesus did say was unforgivable in Matt 18:6-14.

Catholic Bishop faces prison after inciting parishioners to kill gays

A Catholic bishop, Bishop Huonder, in Switzerland is facing jail time for “inciting people to crime or violence” after using the Bible to call for the execution of gays and lesbians. This was in August of 2015.

He used a famous quote from Leviticus 20:13 which says that a man lying with a man is an abomination, and they shall surely be put to death.  The line is repeated in Leviticus 18:22.

Of course, he does NOT mention that Leviticus 11:10 says eating shellfish is an abomination, using the EXACT same word that Leviticus 18:22 uses to describe homosexuality.  Of course, stopping people from eating shellfish would be stupid.

Catholics hate gays, mainly because they love to judge other people.  As one of the most famous Catholic priests and authors says, “No issue brings out so much hatred from so many Catholics as homosexuality.”

Of course, Jesus never said anything about gays.  Ever.

Of course, the pope did nothing to punish Bishop Huonder, but the pope has kicked priests out of the priesthood if they used freedom of speech to say they think women should be priests.  Jesus also never said anything about that.  Ever.

The Catholic church pays $2 million to lobbyists to fight child rape VICTIMS

The Catholic church spent over $2.1 million trying to get away with their rampant child rape in New York by paying lobbyists to help block a bill that would allow child rape victims to sue their rapists.

Of course, “God’s church” would never do that, but the Catholic church wants to be able to get away with their rampant child rape on earth, even thought Jesus said in Matt 18:6-14 that child rape was unforgivable.

Catholic church, lying, to remain filthy rich, and fighting child rape victims

In Minnesota, like in all diocese in the US, the Catholic church committed rampant organized child rape, in brutal defiance of Jesus in Matt 18:6-14.

Of course, they didn’t punish the pedophile priests.  Of course, they didn’t find and help the victims.  Instead, the continue to double down on evil.

Did they try to get therapy for the victims.  No.  Instead, they fight every one of them in court, even as they are hiding the truth, and lying.

They didn’t want to pay compensation to the victims, so the Catholic church in Minnesota reported their assets as $49 Million, according to the New  York Times, but the real value was 34 TIMES that, at $1.7 Billion.

What does the Catholic church do?  The exact opposite of What Jesus Would Do.