Category Archives: bible

Catholic church is Babylon, and “the beast” from the Book Of Revelation

The Book Of Revelation talks of Babylon, a filthy rich institution of filthy sexual practices.  It is on the city of 7 hills, which is Rome, where the Vatican is (Ch 17:9), so Babylon may be the Catholic church itself.

Revelation talks of the filthy riches of the Catholic church, she in purple and gold, favorite colors of Pope Benedict especially, decked with gold and precious stones and pearls (Ch 17:4).My Site

One interpretation is that the 144,000 are Catholic child rape victims, who are blameless (Ch 14:4).

Rev 16:9, where the Catholics “blasphemed” God, and “repented not of their deeds”, as the Catholic church has never repented for their rampant child rapes, or their filthy riches.

Ch 14 talks about the fate of those who worship the beast (which may be the Catholic church itself), instead of God’s church.

And in Rev 18:21, a mighty angel throws the Catholic church & its followers into the sea, using a millstone, which is a specific reference to Matt 18:6, and the child rape that the Catholic church committed, then concealed, then condoned.

Pope Francis, the fraud, calls others hypocritical, when he is

Pope Francis is a such a hypocrite and a fraud.  In late January of 2017, after Trump signed an executive order to keep out refugees, Francis said,

“It’s hypocrisy to call yourself a Christian and chase away a refugee or someone seeking help, someone who is hungry or thirsty, toss out someone who is in need of my help”

Guess how many refugees Francis took in to the $14 Billion, 100 acre Vatican?


How many do you think Jesus would take in?  If the Vatican was sprawling with refugee camps, American “Christians” would have to stop calling themselves “Christians”.

Twelve.  Francis is teaching the world to do the least you can get away with.

Catholics and the pope have truly lowered the bar for Christianity, which is why “Christians” feel empowered to follow other Christians who

  • refuse the starving and dying refugees
  • build walls
  • deny health care
  • make rich people richer
  • lie, lie, lie
  • and even run America’s largest organized child rape crime syndicate, the Catholic church

Catholics HATE God, brutally defying the First commandment, unforgivably

What do you think “God’s church” is?

If you think it’s a filthy rich, organized child rape crime syndicate, then the Catholic church is your church.

Of course, Jesus said

  • child rape was unforgivable (Matt 18:6),
  • and that you should find and help every victim (Matt 18:10-14)
  • sell all your possessions if you want to be perfect (Matt 19:21)

so the Catholic church is brutally defying Jesus in all of those ways, and in many others not listed here.

What is the punishment if you are a Catholic and it is not “God’s church”?  Vicious.

In the very 1st commandment, God says in Exodus 20:2-7:

2 “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
3 “You shall have no other gods before me.
4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.
5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me,
6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.
7 “You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.

so from Exodus 20:5, God is vicious if you “hate Him”.

If you think “God’s church” is a filthy rich, organized child rape crime syndicate, you hate God.

Catholic myth: God is merciful and full of forgiveness

God is vicious to those who commit evil, as you should know because of:

  • the story of Noah
  • the first commandment
  • Matt 18:6-14, where Jesus said child rape was unforgivable

The story of Noah

If you know the story of Noah, God killed every man, woman and child other than Noah’s family, so God isn’t all about mercy.  This included killing:

  • every passive person who didn’t commit evil but didn’t stop it
  • every young innocent child
  • every pregnant woman


The first commandment


In God’s own words, God is brutal in the first commandment, threatening your children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren if you “hate Him”.  In Exodus 20:5-6, God says, “For I, Yahweh your God, am a jealous God and I punish a parent’s fault in the children, the grandchildren, and the great-grandchildren among those who hate me”.

Pretty vicious, and blaming even great-grandchildren for the sins of their great-grandparents.

Matt 18:6-14, where Jesus said child rape was unforgivable

There weren’t many cases where Jesus was vicious, but He was certainly vicious when it came to someone hurting children who believed in Jesus.  Of course, the Catholic church has a worldwide policy of hiding and protecting 100% of pedophile priests, in brutal defiance of Jesus in Matt 18:6-14.

In the latter part of that passage, Jesus tells the parable of the sheep that leaves the flock, which would obviously pertain tot he child rape victims.  The Catholic church and its congregation never ever looked for the victims.

Catholics love easy “forgiveness and mercy”

Catholics love the “forgiveness and mercy” part of Christianity, which is also the part that the devil loves, because he definitely forgives everything.

Thankfully, the pope tells you that you get mercy instead of telling you to do the proper, Christian thing.

The Catholic church, Galileo, science and 350 years to apologize

When did you learn that the earth revolved around the sun.  For most people, it is when they are 10 years old.

The Catholic church learned, and admitted it, when they were 1992 years old.

Yep, in 1992.

You can read the full story about Galileo and the Catholic church in Wikipedia, but the summary is that the Catholic church imprisoned Galileo in 1633, and kept him in prison until his death in 1642.

His crime: heresy, promoting the concept that the earth revolved around the sun.

The Catholic Church finally accepted blame and forgave Galileo in 1992, about 350 years later.  The New York Times writes about Pope John Paul II and Galileo and they mention that it was done after a 13 year investigation.

Conclusions about the Catholic church:

  • they refuse to understand or accept science, even after everyone else does, if it conflicts with church teachings
  • they will refuse to accept blame, until 350 years after the rest of the world knows they are at fault
  • even then, the apology was as lame as an apology can be


Catholics fight homosexuality, but Jesus never said anything about it

Jesus never said anything about homosexuality.  Not one.  Ever.  It wasn’t on His priority list.

However, Catholics (and most other Christians) fight it because it requires no sacrifice, and because they love telling other people what to do.  It makes them feel like they are superior.

What is the biblical basis for fighting homosexuality?  Most of it comes from the book of Leviticus, which documented the laws of the Levites at the time.  In Leviticus 20:13, it says

  • “If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable”.   Some translations say “abominable” instead of “detestable”.
However, Leviticus uses the EXACT same word is used by Leviticus to describe eating shrimp and lobster in Leviticus 11:10.
  • Leviticus 11:6-8 says you can’t touch a dead pig’s carcass, so football is out of the question.
  • Leviticus 19:27 says do not trim off the hair on your temples or trim your beards
  • Leviticus 19:26 says you can’t eat meat that has not been drained of its blood, so order it at least medium well
  • Leviticus 25:44 states that you may possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are from neighboring nations, so having Mexican slaves is cool, but only for US residents
 If Catholics fighting the gays, they should also fight to boycott
  • Red Lobster
  • NFL Football
  • Gillette razors
  • Morton’s Steak House if they allow heathens  to order meat medium

If you don’t want to do it yourselves, have your Mexican slaves do it for you.

Other bizarre Leviticus quotes:

  • Leviticus 20:9 “For every one that curseth his father or his mother shall be surely put to death: he hath cursed his father or his mother; his blood shall be upon him.”
    • so you should kill a child who swears at you?
  • Leviticus 26:30 “And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat.”

Clearly, these were laws at the time, some of which were bizarre, but some of which might have been based on their limited knowledge of science and sociology.

At that time, it might have made sense for homosexuality to be against the law, since they might have been worried about the survival of the species.  Now, with our over populated earth, we should not longer care, and should focus on things Jesus did talk about, like curing hunger, which Catholics could do for 10 cents per Catholic per day.

Pope Francis hides known pedo at Vatican for 2 years until his death

Pope Francis is no different that previous popes.  He actively hides and protects pedophiles just like the others.

The most high profile case is the case of Archbishop Wesolowski, a notorious pedophile who raped countless children in the Dominican Republic and other places, sometimes paying for sex with children.

When the Vatican investigators searched his computer, they found that Archbishop Wesolowski had 100,000 child porn videos.

He left when his accusations became known, and hid in the Vatican, a safe haven for pedophiles and pedophile protectors (like Cardinal Law, Boston leader of the Catholic pedophile syndicate exposed in the movie “Spotlight”).

The Dominican Republic wanted toe Vatican to return Wesolowski to make him stand trial, but the Vatican instead promised their own trial, but Wesolowski died, suspiciously, just before his postponed trial, before the truth might have been exposed.

Thanks to Pope Francis, he did avoid a secular trial, and lived a retirement life in the Vatican for 2 years until his timely death.

Pope Francis and the Catholic “Year of mercy”

All criminals want mercy.  Satan wants mercy:

  • Jerry Sandusky wanted mercy
  • Saddam Hussein wanted mercy
  • Osama Bin Laden wanted mercy

Mercy is the easy part.

Pope Francis is calling 2016 the “Year Of Mercy”, as it is becoming more publicly known that the Catholic church ran the largest organized child rape crime syndicate in the history of the western world.

Jesus said you do NOT get mercy if you rape children (Matt 18:6-14).

You get a rock around your neck at the bottom of the ocean, or worse.

Sorry, Pope Francis, no mercy for you or the Catholic church, or its followers.

Catholics could literally cure hunger for 10 cents per Catholic per day

Jesus said it in so many Gospels: feed the hungry, cure the sick.

Catholic could literally cure hunger for 10 cents per Catholic per day, but they don’t.  Here is the math:

If you Google:

  • how much would it cost to cure world hunger

the cost is $30 Billion.  (See cost to cure world hunger)

There are a 1.2 billion Catholics.  If every Catholic paid 10 cents per day, that would be $36.50 per year, times 1.2 billion is $43.8 billion, leaving a lot of money left over.

Google: How many people die of hunger each day?

  • and the answer is 21,000 people.

I’ve discussed this with Catholics, who immediately come up with excuses they think are ok with God and Jesus:

  1. Catholic church does more than anyone (and that’s enough)
  2. Not everyone can afford the 10 cents per day
  3. Did you do it?

My responses:

  1. I can’t imagine going before God with the Catholic list of excuses, so I’m no longer Catholic.  To say “the Catholic church does more than anyone” can’t be proven, for one thing, since they keep their finances secret.  Secondly, Jesus never said “God’s church should stop when it does more than anyone, and it’s ok for 21,000 people to die.
  2. It’s true that not everyone can afford the 10 cents per day, but this is a lame excuse.  Richer Catholics should pay more.  If 10% of Catholics paid $1 per day, or 1% of Catholics paid $10 per day, Catholics could cure hunger.  They don’t even try.
  3. Catholics love to blame everyone else, so one response is, “why don’t you do it”?  For one thing, I give $500-$1000 to a hunger charity every year, bit I never called myself “God’s church”.

Jesus made it clear in Matt 19:21 that to “be perfect”, you should sell all your possessions to feed the poor.  Instead, the Catholic church is literally the most filthy rich church on the planet.

Catholic church is the “One True Church Of Jesus Christ”? Nonsense.

Catholics robotically say that the Catholic church is:

  1. “One True Church Of Jesus Christ”
  2. “Christ’s only church”
  3. “The one, holy, and apostolic church”
  4. and some others, as if it is an exclusive club.

this is completely contrary to what Jesus said in Matthew 18:19-20, where He said the famous words, “For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.”

In other words, not “just” in Catholic churches.

The ONLY link the Catholic church has to the church that Jesus started is a physical link, a series of popes.  Catholics invented the concept of a popes, a single leader that is many levels above everyone else.

Jesus denounced this concept in Matthew 23:5-8, where He was almost mocking the Catholic popes, cardinals, and bishops of today.

However, the Catholic church BRUTALLY defies Jesus in many regards, including:

  1. Rampant, organized child rape, which Jesus said was unforgivable in Matt 18:6-14
  2. Filthy riches (Matt 19:21)
  3. Priests signing an oath to their bishops which overrides their oath to God Himself
    1. overriding the very First Commandment

If God tells you, at your judgement, that the Catholic church is not “God’s church”, and that physical link of popes was superficial and physical, you have no excuse for having supported the Catholic church as it brutally defied What Jesus Would Do.  It’s pretty simple.  Pick a Christian church that does not have a standard policy of protecting known pedophiles, and is not filthy rich, and you don’t have to make excuses that your judgment day.